Group: 0 - Canon
Name: Prototype: All Consume Kills (Warning: Extremely Graphic)
Artist: JadusableName: Prototype: All Consume Kills (Warning: Extremely Graphic)
Series: Prologue
Year: 2009
Description: These are all of the consume kills that are in the game Prototype. Typically there are two consume kills for each "weapon", but the blade arm has three, unarmed has four (five if you count Web of Intrigue consume), and there are six stealth consumes. There are a few repeats in here - some done in slow motion using the power wheel - from different angles, so enjoy I guess?
This is the second video posted by Jadusable, just two days after his first. After this, over a year would pass until he came into contact with the being known as BEN. Though this is one of the first videos (and it's categorized as Prologue), from a story-focused perspective, this entry serves as an epilogue to the events of the Haunted Cartridge, as it introduces ideas that refer to the Moon Children. It's advised that this entry be skipped and returned to at the end of the Haunted Cartridge arc, if you have not experienced the story before.
You can read more about this entry here.
A post continued from the previous entry, partially by Alex Hall:
...Horrifyingly, over the course of the story, all but a few of Rosa's predictions would come true, from describing the locales Jadusable would visit, to the foes he would face, all leading up to her now-infamous phrase in the video:
Player: "Any advice at all? Something that's going to save my life?"
Rosa: "Don't open it.”
With such a vague phrase to go on, no one really knew what it could mean. At first everyone assumed that Rosa was telling Jadusable not to open the game's save file because it was haunted, but everyone later discovered that Rosa was trying to warn the very viewers themselves about an incident that would happen after Jadusable had released his fourth and final video.
However, the coincidences didn’t stop there.
The other video, featuring the game Prototype, was released two days after Bloodlines. It shows the main character, Alex, running around New York City killing pedestrians with “consume kills.” With tags including “terrible,” “fate,” “drown,” “me,” and “next,” it hints to more than is seen.
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