Tuesday, August 18, 2015

AshFlame TheInsane: .

Group: 5 - Fair
Name: .
Artist: AshFlame TheInsane
Series: Unnamed series
Year: 2015
Description: ...
I dont even know anymore.

I think this might be a good stopping point for this channel.  The rest is the whole Cleverbot thing, which is, in my opinion, terribly overdone and it doesn't add anything to the story at all.

Odd, right?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

MisterchidsMachinima: Twisted Theme, Part 5 - Don't run...

Group: 3 - Successful
Name: Don't run...
Artist: MisterchidsMachinima
Series: Twisted Theme
Year: 2010
Description: I can see you...

This is MM's second to last video of the year, and it's a good bit better than the previous one.  I'm a sucker for the reverb.

I just realized how terrifying the thumbnail is.  Blogger really zooms in on it, so this really put the fear in me.

Things get a little personal between John and BEN.

Return to Part 4 / Continue to Part 6

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Update Schedule: August 2015

We're back on track!  Our next update day is actually going to have an update, which is pretty crazy considering the last two weeks.  The reason I've been without updates for so long is that classes are starting again soon, and I've been dealing with college things.  And lots of sleeping.

Anyway, here's the schedule.  Update days are marked in orange, void days that I messed up are marked in black.

See you on the 15th!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Surprise, surprise.

I'm sincerely sorry for the lack of updates.  College stuff is about to start, so I've been preparing and my mind has not been here.  Expect the next update to come along with this month's update schedule.